Monday, October 25, 2004

v's Deathmatch

Got a nice call from Khat today, since he is the toi boss guy lately, he found AG while heading up. Took him pretty easily and we got all the drops in our party.

Sold the belt for 525k. I'm not sure of the price but a couple people on global said 450k, I felt good about getting what I got then. And thats only the 2nd time I've ever gotten a belt lol. The 1st time was 50mp from phoenix a LONG time ago.

Do you recognize where this was taken at?? Thats right we got a HUGE party going on it giran DM for once! Luckly we had a ton of people online in our pledge so it was kinda like a pledge hunt. We kicked major ass until stupid Dark Elders came, within 5 seconds of them spawning everyone was either dead or they venz. Some of the monsters in there need to be adjusted because its just too hard!

I had only 5 21f scrolls left so I went up and hunted 17f for about an hr. Only got 4-5 but still that replenishes my supply a bit.

Went to Lastabad caves with some friends and we had an absolute blast there. Hunted for about 2 hours and got a bunch of drops. 3-4 nzels and all that lastabad armor junks too. We stayed around 2f steps cuz the spawn there is amazing and drops are good too.

Then Vevictus gets this from a box, I was staring at my screen for like 10 mins before I realized where it had come from. Pretty cool getting that for free =]

Then I wanted to delete my letters in my inventory and this stupid message came up?! What the heck is this?? Posted by Hello

yeah man i got the 2dog items thingy the other day also when i was trying to delete 2 letters O.o i did it one by one cuz i was afraid someting in my inventory would dissapear lol.
Whoa, im so drink reading ths. Just came back froma friends place, im on your blog!!!

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